Conflicts between wildlife and humans continue to this day. Habitats and natural food are decreasing, causing cases of conflict to continue to increase. other than that, settlements and various community activities adjacent to the home range of wild animals cause space competition and the intensity of encounters to increase. This is of course a threat to both parties. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for wild animals in conflict to die as a result of various conflict management actions taken. Therefore, Appropriate conflict management measures and public awareness of the importance of wildlife conservation are urgently needed.

Proses evakuasi buaya di Padang Pariaman (Dok. BKSDA Sumbar)

Launching from the news of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, a crocodile was evacuated from Nagari III Koto Aur Malintang Selatan, District IV Koto Aur Malintang, Padang Pariaman Regency on Thursday 30 September 2021. The evacuation process began with a report from a resident named Dafri to the West Sumatra KSDA Hall officer (West Sumatra BKSDA) represented by the Territory Conservation Resort (RKW) Padang Pariaman. Dafri admitted that he saw the presence of crocodiles in the irrigation canal which is often used by local people for their daily activities. So that there is no conflict, the community took the initiative to catch the animal first. After the evacuation process, checked on crocodiles that are known to be in good condition and do not have serious injuries or injuries. After that, the officer handed over to the community to be placed in the RKW Padang animal transit cage for further identification and health checks.

The existence of the crocodile has been reported since last April. Since getting that information, West Sumatra BKSDA staff represented by Padang Pariaman Resort directly carried out regular field monitoring to find the reported presence of crocodiles. other than that, officers also conduct socialization to the public about the status of animals and actions against animals to minimize the risk of conflict. There are several things that are of concern, namely the arrangement of the aquatic environment which is suspected of being a crocodile habitat and that becomes a top priority in handling problems. Certain water areas which are suspected as habitat locations or home range (cruise line) crocodile, its use and utilization by the surrounding community must be avoided so that conflicts can be minimized.

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